Two Quail Poop Bingo Cards
Each card purchased may be used ONCE. If you purchase 1 card, it can be used for one round of QPB. To play multiple rounds, or multiple cards per round, be sure to purchase additional cards.
Be sure to print your card immediately after purchase as the link is only valid for 24 hours.
Each card purchased may be used ONCE. If you purchase 1 card, it can be used for one round of QPB. To play multiple rounds, or multiple cards per round, be sure to purchase additional cards.
Be sure to print your card immediately after purchase as the link is only valid for 24 hours.
Each card purchased may be used ONCE. If you purchase 1 card, it can be used for one round of QPB. To play multiple rounds, or multiple cards per round, be sure to purchase additional cards.
Be sure to print your card immediately after purchase as the link is only valid for 24 hours.